
huh, what ? err ... ?

Wake up in the morning, have coffee, go to the bathroom, walk to kitchen, have coffe again, walk to door, go to point of no return. close eyes, open eyes, take deep breath, look into the hole. shut up, lay down, roll over. Stand up, empty pockets, look into my eyes, confess, pray, go home. Drink water, sit down, eat bread, pick up shovel, brake window, jump out, stop on the way, turn around, jump back. Milk cat, kick wall, scream at children, spit on floor, scram at yourself, confess, pray, discover yourself being an idiot. Get re-born, or get a new life, be happy, die happy. No.

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25-03-2004@22:09 zin araa@araa.lv Vai nav paaraak primitiivaa dziive aprakstiita?
Nuu varbuut tikai "MILK CAT" neiederas klasiskaa dziivee.
25-03-2004@22:35 es none es gan domaju, ka tur daudzas lietas neiederas mana vai tavaa ikdienaa :)
26-03-2004@01:32 scs none nu nez. es tur ljoti daudz ko no savas ikdienas saskatu. It iipashi pick up shovel (es nesen nopirku!) un kick wall (es varu atljauties sist ar galvu pret sienu - man ir trako nama tapetes!!!)