Kāds mans paziņa no Dienvidāfrikas man raksta par savu ceļojumu 1989. gadā pāri Āfrikai. Viņš pats ir no Lielbritānijas, un sāka braucienu Norvēģijas ziemeļos, lai tiktu līdz Keiptaunai. Interesanti, ka viņš tika līdz Durbanai un tur dzīvo joprojām, līdz Keiptaunai tā arī nekad nav aizbraucis.
They build them tough (Land Rovers), I bought mine in 1989 drove it all around Zimbabwe, Botswana (Chobe Game Park and Okavango) and Namibia before shipping it to the UK in 1991 thereafter we drove to Nord Cap (Norway) all around Europe and then the biggie across Africa via Spain, Morocco, Algeria (the Sahara), Niger, CAR, Chad, DRC(Zaire), Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and home (some of the worst roads you can imagine) and I still use as my 2nd pair of legs after nearly 18 years.
I have never finished my 1991/2 North to South Journey yet because my goal was to go from Nord Cap Norway (furthest point North in Europe) to Cape Agulhas in South Africa (Southern most point in Africa) and would you believe I have not done Durban to Cape Agulhas yet. I can remember the size of the mosquitoes in the Artic Circle area of Norway they were huge and millions of them one good thing though is at least they did not carry malaria.
It certainly changed my life. I had three kids after that; don’t know whether it had anything to do with it but they are all girls, and it gives them something to say about their dad at school, when the other kids brag.
My Landy is a Defender 110 County V8 and was originally a 3.5 litre V8 until sometime around 1996 when it was converted to a 4 litre using a custom built Cam Shaft to give a slightly longer stroke and the Discovery 4 litre V8 cylinder head and pistons. It was one of those UK Landy mods that a company in UK offered and was done by a company here in South Africa. The other unique is that all Landrovers assembled in South Africa by AAD before Landrover re-opened a direct representation here, had their chassis’s galvanised and there was also an option for a galvanised firewall that I opted for.