Sludinājumu krāpnieki no Nigērijas
Viss sākās ar to, ka ievietoju sludinājumu par auto pārdošanu. Biju tur jau licis dažādus mazākas cenas sludinājumus, laikam tāpēc ar šādu joku nebiju saskāries, taču uz šo, saņēmu visai lielu interesi – no cilvēkiem, kas raksta angļu valodā:
Veseli trīs gabali, ar līdzīgiem tekstiem! Protams, es neesmu gluži no mēness nokritis, un uzreiz sapratu, kas tie par jauniem draugiem.
Turklāt šie jau arī nemaz normāli maskēties neprot, paraksts no viena, from adrese no otra, un reply-to adrese no trešā personas vārda:
Received: by with HTTP; Thu, 28 Jul 2011 11:10:37 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 11:10:37 -0700
X-Google-Sender-Auth: y0hoej1Ktyv8mqHF6XlcAjMh0D4
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Passat
From: John Reina <>
Uzreiz sapratu, ka krāpnieki, taču nesapratu kā pērkot mašīnu mani var piekrāpt, saprotams ja es to auto gribētu pirkt, tādi krāpšanas gadījumi ir dzirdēti daudz. Gribēju paspēlēties, un uzrakstīju atbildi. Protams, pazīme numur viens – cilvēks maksašot ar Paypal:
I was browsing through sites as i am currently looking for a (auto) and your ad caught my eye. I am very interested in purchasing this from you. At present I am currently out of town due to the work I do, I am based in Calais and work as an engineer on ships. Now what I propose to you is this; Due to the fact that I am so far away right now I will gladly transfer you the amount of (amnt) via PayPal plus any excess transfer charges, what I would then also do is arrange for a private courier company to pick up the (auto) from your address once you have received the payment into your Paypal account. The reason I choose paypal is that it is a reliable and secure way of making a payment online so works out better for both parties.
So in order to enable me to proceed with the payment could you please provide me with the following information:
Your PayPal e-Mail Address :
Phone Number
Kind regards
Tālāk izdomāju viņu pakļaut nelielam Denial of Service (t.i. kamēr viņs nodarbojas ar mani, tikmēr viņš nekrāpj kādu vientiesi). Protams naivi, bet man bija garlaicīgi, un šis bija visai jautri.
> Hey Anthony,
> I’m happy to hear you are so eager to buy my car, It is tough to find a
> buyer. I can’t accept money before we somehow seal the deal, to make
> sure everything is legitimate.
> Which courier company do you wish to use? will you pay for it, or you
> want me to arrange it, and add the expenses to your total amount?
> Normunds
Thanks for the mail, i will pay fir the shipping because i have a private shipping company, so kindly get back to me with your full paypal details and the total cost so i can made the Payment.
Lai pačakarētu viņam smadzenes, iedevu absolūti neeksistējošu epastu kā savu paypal adresi:
Hello Anthony,
The price of the car is 4500LVL (as listed), this is 6346.5EUR. My paypal address is normis344872!
Let me know when the payment is done
Thanks for the quick business!
Okay..i will let you know when the payment is done.
Protams seko neliela vilšanās:
i wanted to make the payment now and paypal database does not recognize this paypal e mail of yours(normis344872! so kindly correct it and type it very well, so i can made the payment..because i ought to have made the payment.
Nekas, es iedošu citu viltus epastu:
I’m really sorry, I made a typo, it’s normis34872!
Sorry again!
Pēc brīža, neskatoties uz to ka iedevu galīgi nereālu epastu, es saņemu apstiprinājumu ka manā paypal kontā ienākusi nauda (kontā kura nav). Ievērojiet patieso from adresi, kā arī bcc (lai saņemu to ziņu):
Joprojām nesapratu kā viņš no manis gribēs izspiest naudu, tāpēc turpinu muļķoties:
I seem to have received the payment. What is the next step? I will need your scanned photo ID to proceed with the car registration change.
Send as soon as possible
Pleasure to do business with you
Saņēmu šadu te sviestu, te jau džeks ir izpaudies ar vēstules noformējumu, ta pat vairs nav paypal stilā, un saturs ir bērnišķīgi idiotisks:
Tātad viņš grib lai es maksāju viņa kaut kādam transporta aģentam mistiskus 600Eur un tikai tad Paypal atbloķēs to naudu ko man esot ieskaitījis. Smieklīgi, ka viņa “Paypal” man raksta, ka nauda jāmaksā caur Paypal konkurentu Western Union.
Tūliņ saņemu arī nesaprotamu paskaidrojumu no paša Antonija/Daniela/Sandras:
As per the e-mail Smile Bank sent to me which is also similar to yours, you will have to pay 600.00Eur out of your own pocket through western union to my agent address given to you.
After you send the money 600.00Eur through western union a receipt will be given to you at the western union office.
So you will scan the western union receipt and address it to a mail then reply to Smile Bank confirmation email with it.
Once you do that then Smile Bank verify the western union detail and confirm everything valid then they will release your total amount into your account include the western union charges.
The money will only reflect in your account until you reply back to the confirmation email you received from Smile Bank by sending the MTCN number of the 600.00Eur that is to be send to my pick up agent so that they can come for the pick up..if you have gone through the email you received from Smile Bank very well regarding the payment i made…you must have been notify about all this so i hope you understand and go ahead and send the 600.00Eur then get back to Smile Bank with the western union information so that they will release the whole fund into your account without any delay. I will advice you to check your inbox or spam mail of junk am sure you will find the Smile Bank confirmation email in one of those box.
I hope you understand now…..
Please advice asap..
Tā arī nesaprotu par ko man viņam jādod 600Eur, bet nekas, spēlēju līdzi. Liku pagaidīt, lai pagrauž nagus. Pēc pāris stundām vēstule:
I have been waiting to read from you regarding the MTCN number that will be given to you at the western union money transfer after you might have send the MONEY to my shipping agent and its very surprising you did not reply back to my last email..I am getting worried over this..Please let me know if you have send the money via western union and if you’ve not done it make sure it is done today.I will be waiting to read from you regarding the information that will be given to you at the western union and also your address for the pick up and i will be very glad for this.Please make sure you get back to me ASAP.
Nice doing business with you.
Cenšos izspiest no viņa pases kopiju, lai būtu kāda trofeja:
> I am prepared to do this, but you didnt reply to me regarding your
> scanned id. This makes me sad, can i trust your business at all?
Tik stulbs kā šie čaļi viņš tomēr nav:
> > what do you mean by scanning of my ID, you do not need this and if
> > at all, you will need it, it is not available now, but do not worry
> > about that just proceed with the payment and get back to my Bank
> > with the transfer details for verification, you do not have to
> > worry at all all as i am not going to get you ripped are
> > secure.
Uzrakstu atbildi, lai viņam rodas lielās cerības:
> Ok, i will go to the western union office today, await the money shortly
Berzē rokas:
Thanks, as soon as the money is sent, just get back to paypal with the transfer details for verification.
Otrais mans mēģinājums no viņa izspiest pases kopiju, kaut vai viltotu:
Just returned from the western union offices. They refuse to transfer anything without full personal details of the receiving party. Please send scanned id (passport), name and phone number, and i will proceed with payment. This is a request of western union.
Nē, viņš tomēr ir gudrāks par citiem, toties saņēmu kaut kādu kreisu adresi anglijā:
excuse me stop playing me games, in western union they do not need any details before you can send the money just the address where you are to send the money to and the address is:
Andrew Peterson
70-78 Dudley Road,
Manchester,M16 8DE,
Lancashire.United Kingdom… soon as the payment is done, just get back to paypal with the transfer details…but if you refuse,I will give you my personal details you require for:
Name: Anthony Caleb…my scanned ID is not with can even send the money online at
I await the transfer details now.
Negribēju izraisīt aizdomas, ka esmu pārāk naivs, uzrakstīju šaubu vēstuli par atšķirībām vārdos, jau ceturtais personvārds parādijies galu galā:
I dont understand, your name is andrew or anthony? Why is this money required again? You said you will pay for the transporation of the vehicle. I am confused now. Please advise the reason for the 600 eur payment. I think i will return the 6000eur payment to you. What is your papal id so i can pay it all back.
Vecis paliek dusmīgs:
PayPal an I have informed FBI regarding this issue that is why i am not more troubling myself…you can send the money to the address i gave to you and get back to paypal with the transfer details via western union and get back to paypal with the details for proper verification, if you do not comply with that..lets wait and see
Viltus Paypal arī dusmīgs:
We are contacting you regarding your Transaction with Anthony caleb. We are still expecting to receive the necessary Western Union Information from you, and you are required to send the Western Union information to us within the next 24HRS or the necessary Legal Action would be taken against you.
Es jau esmu nobijies ne pa jokam! Atkal izraisīsim viņā viltus cerības uz naudu:
OK, I have successfully transferred the money today, Just please don’t call the FBI, mister! Expect your cash soon.
<p> N. </p>
Saņemu atbildi:
if you know that truly you have sent the money get back to me and paypal with the following details for verification:
(1) Sender’s Name;
(2) Receiver’s Name;
(3) MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number);
(4) Amount Sent;
Atbildu ar visādām muļķībām, lai pasēž refrešojot savu WU kontu:
Hello brother
Yes – the WU representative verified that the money is on it’s way:
(1) Normunds Sviestkulis
(2) Andrew Peterson
(3) 2989115571
(4) 600EUR
Get back to me as soon as you get this! How to proceed.<p> N. </p>
Viņš nav apmierināts, ka MTC skailis neesot pareizs
why are you doing all these trashes to me because the details was not correct,if you think you have send the money get back to me with the scanned receipt from the wetsern union now.
Izdomāju, ka varētu viņu izčakarēt vēl jaukāk, atrodu to skaisto RICKROLL lapu, kas okupē interneta browseri tā ka kompis uzkarās, tad izveidoju pagaidu lapu savā saitā, kur iekšā ir tikai divas lietas – Statcounter apmeklējumu statistikas vācējs, kā arī META redirect uz RICKROLL saitu. Jūsu drošības dēl, to idiotisko saiti nerādīšu, bet katrā ziņā izskatījās viņa līdzīgi šai:
Anthony, Brother! What was not correct exactly?
I am sure the money is transferred, please check using the official WU tracking system:<p> Normunds </p>
Uzvara! Jau dažas minūtes vēlāk saņemu šo veiksmīgo ziņu statistikas sistēmā, kas nozīmē, ka viņam kompis ir nokarināts un visticamāk viņš to restartē. Protams papildus apstiprinājumu, ka viņs tiešām ir no Nigērijas, un kādu browseri viņš lieto:
Bet tas viņu īpaši neapbēdina, jo viņam joprojām ir cerības no manis saņemt naudu:
i can now understand you now that you are a tricker and you will surely be dealt with because you wants to get me ripped off, but if you are sure of the money transfer…scan the receipt now and mail it to me and paypal.
Vakarā paspēlēšos ar fotošopu un uzzīmēšu viņām western union maksājuma apstiprinājumu.
Bet ļaudis, esiet uzmanīgi. Šie cilvēki turpina darboties tikai tāpēc, ka cilvēki uzķeras. Esiet acīgi un manīgi, neiesaistieties darīšanās ar aizdomīgiem pircējiem/pārdevējiem kas sola kaut ko maksāt caur western union vai paypal, un pat ja arī kaut ko paypalā saņemiet, neticiet tam ko viņi (viltus viņi) sūta e-pastā, ieejiet kontā un paskatieties vai tur tiešam ir nauda. Esiet soli priekšā otrai pusei, un nekad nevienam neuzticieties.