
This week in review

I have to tell you, I love the cold more than the wet. If it’s a choice between windy rainy days, and peaceful cold days, I take the latter. Of course, I can’t ride the bicycle to work, and the transportation system here really ticks me off. For instance, a few days ago, I went Christmas shopping (nothing good came out of it), but it turned out that when I got to the bus stop, the next bus to my part of Riga was supposed to come only after 30 minutes. Outside it’s minus 16 celsius, and I’m shaking already, so I decide to walk to the other bus line and try my luck there. On the way, I hop on to the tram, because it takes me there quicker, and I can warm myself up a little. At the busstop I find that the bus is due in a few minutes, so even start to think that this trip will even save me some time in the end. But nooo, this is not possible on a weekday evening. The bus just doesn’t come. I always wonder – where do the buses go, when you stand there, and none of the three buses have come in the thirty minutes. Are they teleported somewhere? Because finally, the fourth bus comes, and it’s right on time, as if nothing has happened. Where did the other three buses go?
But that’s not enough for Riga’s Satiksme (Transportation of Riga), the electronic card reader doesn’t work at my door, so naturally, the huge crowd starts pushing back to the other card reader. It’s full as it is, and this doesn’t make it easier.

In moments like those, I swear to myself never to go with the bus again. But next morning – it’s still minus twelve.

I also got stuck on an elevator – twice! But that was some other day.

Friday we had an office party at an Irish pub. Strange, but they were serving indian food. I love indian food, so no problem to me, but the whole idea of indian food in an irish pub just seems weird.

To my Latvian readers (which is like 99.9999%) I promise – this is my last english post.