Aģents Oranžais
The very title of our joint subject is, I must tell you, a sick joke to begin with. Perhaps you remember the jaunty names of the callous brutes in _Reservoir Dogs _”Mr. Pink,” “Mr. Blue,” and so on? Well, the tradition of giving pretty names to ugly things is as old as warfare. In Vietnam. between 1961 and 1971, the high command of the United States decided that, since a guerrilla struggle was apparently being protected by tree cover, a useful first step might he to “defoliate” those same trees. — http://www.mindfully.org/
Lielisks raksts par karu, un “Agent Orange”. Es neko neteikšu par Vjetnamas konfliktu kā tādu, bet tik daudz es varu pateikt – visas tās pretīgās lietas ko Amerikāņi darīja tā kara laikā, es priecājos ka viņi zaudēja. Protams ka man ir žēl tos cilvēkus kas gāja bojā tikai tapēc, ka kāds viņiem “iemācija”, ka viņi karo dēļ s__avas brīvības. Absurds, ko joprojām propogandē attiecībā uz karu Irākā.