Buddha Machine
A unique ‘soundbox’ from China, which is causing senstation worldwide. A totally dazzling item which causes jaw-dropping delight everywhere — Alan Bishop bought twenty-four of these on sight, Brian Eno bought eight (how’s that for apocalyptical math?). FM3 are a duo of Christiaan Virant and Chinese keyboardist and computer musician Zhang Jian — based in Beijing. The Buddha Machine is a hardware loop player, built kind of like a little AM radio (available in 6 different colors, shipped randomly), but without all the nonsense — total genius from out of nowhere.

The Buddha Machine is a little plastic box that plays music.
Specifically, FM3 constructed nine drones, varying from two seconds to 42 seconds, which repeat endlessly in the listener’s ear until the “track” is switched to the next drone (or the two AA batteries run out).
Pasūtijām sev vienu arī 🙂